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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Lars Von Trier Accepts Ban Said That If Hitler Was A Great Movie, 'You Must Select Cannes (Cannes 2011)

"Maybe this is a midlife crisis", always provocative filmmaker says his latest scandal

Danish director Lars von Trier once again showed he can still put the "enfant terrible" terrible. In the press conference on Wednesday after the first screening of her new movie melancholy, comments about being a Nazi and "sympathize" with Hitler went too far even for the legendary Cannes Film Festival, tolerance, which took the initiative very unusual to declare von Trier, a persona non grata, banning him from the palace and put a

permanent black mark on von Trier and his new movie. The Hollywood Reporter Scott Roxborough German Head Office von Trier spoke shortly after the festival announced the ban.

The Hollywood Reporter: You have to declare persona non grata by the Festival de Cannes. How do you feel? After all, almost every film was screened here.

Lars von Trier: Well, if they think it is necessary, then click OK. I accept that. It is a shame because (head Jewish holiday) Gilles Jacob is a very close friend of mine. What I said is completely stupid, but I have absolutely no Mel Gibson. I'm certainly not Mel Gibson. When I said what I did about Hitler, what I meant, I could not imagine what it was for Hitler in the bunker, to make plans. Not that I would do what Hitler did. But it's a shame if it means I'll lose touch with Cannes, and it's a shame if it hurts the party, or if it hurts the film.

THR: Are you getting the support of your colleagues at this time?

Von Trier: Movies colleagues does not help you. They would not have supported me no matter what I said. But I get a lot of support from my family and friends. My daughter called me and said, 'Dad, that's what family is, you

support them no matter what they say. "

THR you are going to do next film, Martin Scorsese with five obstacles. Have you talked to him and yet the project was threatened because of what happened?

Von Trier: No, I don ¹ t talked to him, but Martin is very open minded, so I do not think it becomes a problem.

THR: What is the prohibition in practice?

Von Trier: I am not allowed to go within 100 meters of the Palace. So I can look down to make it far, but I can not go

THR: Does your upcoming movies will also be excluded from the competition?

Von Trier: I do not know, because it really has not happened before. But I hope not, because although I was Hitler, and now I officially declare I am not Hitler, but even if it was Hitler, and I made a great film in Cannes to select. And I must say I'm a little proud to be named persona non grata. I think my family would be proud. I have a French order. Now, probably I'll tear my chest.

And perhaps there is something positive from this. Because before the Cannes festival I was really worried it would not accept my film. Because it can not be what people expect of me. And if the Festival de Cannes is to have

no influence on how I make my films, it may be good if I'm banned. I like challenges. If the obstacle is that I'm not going to Cannes, it may be a positive thing.

There was nothing to Gilles Jacob wrote in his book that I still have not forgiven for that. We talked about the day before (press conference). You can see the first time I went to Cannes, I had a leather jacket on the red carpet. And Gilles said in his book "the first time he wore a leather jacket and the third time he was in a suit, if it shows how all the rebels might come into the fold." I saw it and thought, Aw! I thought the next movie I should make a porno, so that they could not accept it. Although they probably still do.

You know, I have 55. That may be a midlife crisis. I have my first tattoo (the letters of shit on the fingers of my right hand). I'm proud of this tattoo that I am the movie.

THR: What do you tell your children a tattoo?

Von Trier: My son said, "Dad, you know that's not going to leave?" All that parents often tell their children.

THR: Do you think maybe you said these things to the press conference because, unconsciously, I wanted to be free from Cannes?

Von Trier: I ¹ t think I'm so smart, even unconsciously. And I can say that I am free now, but of course I'm not. Because I know, this could mean it will be harder now to get funding and get the players I want.

THR: Speaking of actors, have you talked to Kirsten Dunst and Charlotte Gainsbourg? At the press conference, they seemed shocked by what you say.

Von Trier: ¹ t think Charlotte was shocked. His father (singer and composer Serge Gainsbourg) is known for being provocative. She said, "my father would have been proud of you. And Kirsten? I think Kirsten sees me as very European and crazy.

THR: It's a bit 'ironic, because this film, melancholy, it is common to all.

Von Trier: No, it is not controversial.

THR: There were so worried about that part of the Cannes audience would be disappointed because this was not ¹ t usually terrible Lars von Trier film?

Von Trier: Maybe. It may seem strange, but I do not like conflict. When I went to the press conference, I felt I had to entertain the people there. And I know everybody comes to see that Lars is, crazy. And I

started a sentence that I could not get away with it. At that time, I did not think much about it. Everyone seemed to understand and there was laughter. It 's only later, when you read it: "I understand Hitler, I thought

"Oh boy".

THR: Do you fear that the dispute tag receipt of the film? Distribution in Argentina and has been told not to press melancholy.

Von Trier: Yes, do not cry for me. ¹ I do not know. If so, it would be a shame. Because it is difficult to raise money or to get certain players to work with. But maybe it will be interesting, though I can not do that great a movie, maybe it would be interesting.

THR: What makes you happy?

Von Trier: Six months ago I would have said a bottle of whiskey, but after filming stopped drinking melancholy. Now I read a lot. If you ask me what makes me happy now, I would say the feel of the pages of Marcel Proust. I'm in the fifth volume of his In Search of Lost Time and I'm very inspired by the way he describes things. How can you have 100 pages to describe a room? I think now the movie is too much ground driven, just blows over. What inspires me most about the novels of Proust or Thomas Mann is how they rise to the heights where you can see everything and then descends into the valley, and there ¹ s interesting, but you have to work in this valley for a long time before getting to another mountaintop.

Another thing I thought a lot about the difference between Eastern and Western Christian churches. And how the Eastern Church was more of the body of the church and light. ¹ This is something I feel when I read Mann or see a film by Andrei Tarkovsky is like talking with the Holy Spirit.

THR: melancholy itself is very spiritual. Many compare it to Terrence Malick's Tree of Life, which deals with similar themes about life and the universe.

Von Trier: Really? That's interesting. I have not seen the movie. I would like. But I can not enter the palace.


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